Our Christian Education Commission would like to welcome you and your family to our Sunday School ministry. We are committed to creating an environment for you and your family to grow in your relationship with Christ. We hope this information will help you find a particular class that will best suit your interest. The adults, along with the children’s classes are listed. We hope you will feel free to visit the class of your choice and allow us to get to know you.

Again, welcome.

WORSHIP at 9:30 A.M.

FELLOWSHIP TIME following Worship


Adult Classes

All Things Considered Class: Meets in room 220. As we walk together on our faith journey, we study and discuss a wide array of topics, some spiritual and some secular. We use a variety of formats for class time, including watching theological DVDs, inviting guest presenters (from within the congregation and from without), meeting jointly with our youth and other adult Sunday school classes, and studying books together. Our name (All Things Considered) aptly describes the eclectic nature of our exploration. We enjoy the camaraderie of our discussions and our spontaneous and Spirit-led course of study.

Jubilee Class: Meets in Room 211. We look at how the Bible relates and applies to current life issues. We welcome a relaxed setting and pursue a personal faith journey by incorporating a shared leadership style. Inclusiveness and a supportive environment are important to this group.

Koinonia Class: Meets in the Conference Room. While most current attendees are older retired individuals, people of all ages are welcome. The Bible is our primary resource, thought other materials are also used. Studies and discussions are led by members as well as guest leaders. Class member participation is encouraged and facilitated.

Pathfinders Class: Meets in Room 213. Our young adult class has a Sunday-by-Sunday curriculum so that regular attendance is not necessary to be a part of discussions. Topics are chosen by the group.

Questers Class: Meets in the Chapel. Our members believe that creation is ongoing, and that the search for “truth” is never-ending. We are serious about exploring the Bible and other rich resources and believe a loving community can be shaped from the open, unthreatened sharing of our differences. Social and political issues, questions of everyday morality, and more are examined.

Children and Youth Classes

*Children & Youth Sunday School Classes*
Infant\Toddler Nursery
Preschool Class
Kindergarten and 1st Grades
Grades 2 & 3
Grade 4 & 5
Middle School – Grades 6-7-8
High School Youth
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Children’s Music is

a vital part of  the

Educational Mministries